31 January 2008

Bux to skripta na hrvatskom

Bux.to sistem koji zaradjuje

Prati ove jednostavne korake:

1) Potreban je Firefox!
Ako postoji jos netko tko ga ne koristi neka ga skine sa:

2) Preskoci ovaj korak ako si vec registriran na:
Kreiraj alertpay personal account (besplatno je)- potrebno je zbog primanja novaca

Personal acc ne zahtjeva broj kartice!

2) Idi na:
Bux.to i registriraj se.
Ostavi ime chomi032 pod referee jer time meni dajete cent,a vama u startu se povecava
broj linkova i lakse i brze zaradjujete.

Kako do novaca :
Novac se zaradjuje posjetom internet stranica za 30 sekundi po posjeti.Placaju vam $0.01
za svaku posjetu i $0.01 za svakog tko se registrira preko vas.I nema ogranicenja u broju korisnika.
Isplatu zatrazite i ona automatski se isplacuje na paypal odakle mozete novce poslati na karticu,
online kupovina,rapidshare...a za to je potrebno 24-48 sati.Minimalna isplata je na $10.

3) A sada,balkanski sistem: ostavi firefox otvoren i pusti njega da zaradjuje!!!

Instaliraj firefox pluginove GreaseMonkey i ReloadEvery:

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/115 - restart firefoxa
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748 - restart firefoxa

4) Idi na http://bux.to/surf.php

Desni klik misem bilo gdje na stranici > ReloadEvery > Custom
i podesi na 1minutu i 30 sekundi.

5)Otvori drugi tab i jos instaliraj file sa


Greasemonkey ce traziti instal, klikni na 'Install'
Taj tab ostavi otvoren.

6) Vrati se na http://bux.to/surf.php (prvi tab)i ostavi je otvorenu i oglasi ce se sami otvarati i zatvarati,
a lova pocinje kapati.


7) Nadam se da cete znati gdje i sto s novcima!!!


Za ovo je potrebno cca 5min!Isti mail koristiti na bux.to i paypal!!! BTW - linkovi koji se broje(ukljucuju pare) su na siteu pod http://bux.to/buxsurfads.php

09 January 2008

Bux.to easy way to earn money...System that works 100%

Follov this steps

Step 1) You need Firefox and if you dont have it

Step 2) Skip this step if you are already registered
Make your own alertpay personal account (it`s free) needed for reciveing money,
you dont need credit card for personal acc.

Step 3) Go to Bux.to and register
Leave chomi032 under referee box

How are you earning:
You view websites in 30 second sessions via the "Surf Ads" page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you'll either get a green tick sign or a red 'X'. The green tick sign means you've earned $0.01 and as premium member $0.0125 for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit. You'll get red X's when you have more than one website from the "Surf Ads" page open.

When this happens, you get no credit.
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63,90

Step 3)And now "The System"

Download andinstal firefox plugins

https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/115 - restart firefoxa
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748 - restart firefoxa

Step 4) Go to http://bux.to/surf.php
right click any where on the page > ReloadEvery > Custom set to 1 min and 30 sec

Step 5)Open second tab and install file from http://www.gss.org.yu/bux/bux123.user.js
Greasemonkey will ask install, just click install and leave that tab open

Step 6) Get back to http://bux.to/surf.php (first tab) leave that tab opened and advertise will pop up it self and the money will jump into your account itself